Source code for dodfminer.extract.polished.acts.base

"""Base class for an Act model.

This module contains the Atos class, which have all that is necessary to
extract information from a specialized act.

import re
import json
import unicodedata
import pandas as pd

from dodfminer.extract.polished.backend.regex import ActRegex
from dodfminer.extract.polished.backend.ner import ActNER
from dodfminer.extract.polished.backend.seg import ActSeg

[docs]class Atos(ActRegex, ActNER, ActSeg): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Base class for extracting an act and its proprieties to a dataframe. Note: You should not use this class alone, use its childs on the regex module. Args: file (str): The dodf file path. backend (str): The mechanism to use in extraction. Can be either regex or ner. Defaults to regex. Attributes: _file_name (str): The dodf file path. _text (str): The dodf content in string format. _acts_str (str): List of raw text acts. _name (str): Name of the act. _columns (str): List of the proprieties names from the act. _raw_acts (list): List of raw text acts . _acts (list): List of acts with propreties extracted. _data_frame (dataframe): The resulting dataframe from the extraction process. """ def __init__(self, file_name, backend='regex', pipeline=None): if pipeline is not None: print("Personal acts does not support pipeline") self._backend = backend self._name = self._act_name() self._pred = None super().__init__() if file_name[-5:] == '.json': self.read_json(file_name) else: self.read_txt(file_name) self._acts_str = [] self._columns = self._props_names() + self._standard_props_names() self._raw_acts = self._seg_function() self._acts = self._extract_props() self._data_frame = self._build_dataframe() @property def name(self): """str: Name of the act.""" return self._name @property def data_frame(self): """:obj:`dataframe`: Act dataframe with proprieties extracted.""" return self._data_frame @property def acts_str(self): """str: Vector of acts content as raw text.""" return self._acts_str
[docs] def _act_name(self): """Name of the act. Must return a single string representing the act name Raises: NotImplementedError: Child class needs to overwrite this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def _section(cls): """Section of the act. Must return a single string representing the act section Raises: NotImplementedError: Child class needs to overwrite this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _props_names(self): """Name of all the proprieties for the dataframe column. Must return a vector of string representing the proprieties names Warning: The first name will be used for the type-of-act propriety. Raises: NotImplementedError: Child class needs to overwrite this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
#pylint: disable=no-self-use def _standard_props_names(self, capitalize=False): props = ['DODF_Fonte_Arquivo', 'DODF_Fonte_Data', 'DODF_Fonte_Numero'] if capitalize: props = [name.capitalize() for name in props] return props
[docs] def _build_dataframe(self): """Create a dataframe with the extracted proprieties. Returns: The dataframe created """ if len(self._acts) > 0: data_frame = pd.DataFrame(self._acts) if self._backend == 'regex': data_frame.columns = self._columns else: data_frame.columns = [x.capitalize() for x in data_frame.columns] self._check_cols(data_frame.columns) return data_frame return pd.DataFrame()
def _standard_props(self): act = {} file = self._file_name.split('/')[-1] if self._file_name else None match ='(\d+\-\d+\-\d+)',file) if file else None file_split = file.split() if file else None act['DODF_Fonte_Arquivo'] = file.replace('.txt', '.pdf') if file else None act['DODF_Fonte_Data'] ='-', '/') if match else None act['DODF_Fonte_Numero'] = file_split[1] if file_split and len(file_split)>=2 else None return act
[docs] def get_expected_colunms(self) -> list: ''' Get the expected columns for the dataframe Raises: NotImplementedError: Child class needs to overwrite this method. ''' raise NotImplementedError
def _check_cols(self, columns: list) -> None: ''' Check if dataframe columns are the expected ones Raises: NotImplementedError: Child class needs to overwrite this method. ''' for col in self.get_expected_colunms(): if col not in columns: raise KeyError(f'Key not present in dataframe -> {col}') def add_standard_props(self, act, capitalize=False): standard_props = self._standard_props() if capitalize: standard_props = {(key.capitalize()):val for key, val in standard_props.items()} act = {**act, **(standard_props)} return act
[docs] def _extract_props(self): """Extract proprieties of all the acts. Returns: A vector of extracted acts dictionaries. """ acts = [] for value in self._raw_acts: act = {} if self._backend == 'regex': act = self._regex_props(value) elif self._backend == 'ner': act = self._prediction(value) else: raise NotImplementedError("Non-existent backend option") # Merge act props with standard props acts.append(self.add_standard_props(act)) return acts
def highlight_dataframe(self): if self._preds is None: return self._data_frame = [] for IOB, text in zip(self._preds, self._acts_str): ent_dict = dict() ent_dict['titulo'] = None ent_dict['text'] = "" text_split = self._split_sentence(text) + ["O"] # print(len(text_split)) # print(len(IOB)) ent_list = [] aux_text_token = [] aux_text_string = "" i = 0 while i < len(IOB): current_ent = { "name": [], "start": None, "end": None, "type": None } if "B-" in IOB[i]: entity_name = IOB[i].replace("B-", "") aux_text_string = " ".join(aux_text_token).strip() aux_text_token.append(text_split[i]) current_ent["start"] = len(aux_text_string) + 1 current_ent["name"].append(text_split[i]) current_ent["type"] = entity_name i += 1 while (i < len(IOB)) and ("I-" in IOB[i]): current_ent["name"].append(text_split[i]) aux_text_token.append(text_split[i]) i += 1 aux_text_string = " ".join(aux_text_token) current_ent["end"] = len(aux_text_string) current_ent["name"] = " ".join(current_ent["name"]).strip() ent_list.append(current_ent) if entity_name in ent_dict: new_list = [ent_dict[entity_name]] new_list.append(current_ent) ent_dict[entity_name] = new_list else: ent_dict[entity_name] = current_ent elif IOB[i] == 'O': aux_text_token.append(text_split[i]) aux_text_string = " ".join(aux_text_token).strip() i += 1 ent_dict['text'] = aux_text_string self._data_frame.append(ent_dict) self._data_frame = pd.DataFrame(self._data_frame)
[docs] def read_json(self, file_name): """Reads a .json file of a DODF. A single string with all the relevant text from the act section is extracted. """ try: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: self._json = json.load(file) self._file_name = file_name except IOError: self._text = file_name self._file_name = None return try: section = self._json['json']['INFO'][self._section()] except KeyError: self._text = 'X' return all_txt = [] for agency in section: for document in section[agency]: for subdoc in section[agency][document]: txt = section[agency][document][subdoc]['texto'] txt = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', ' ', txt).replace('&nbsp', ' ') all_txt.append(txt) self._text = ''.join(all_txt) self._text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', self._text).encode( 'ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf8')
[docs] def read_txt(self, file_name): """Reads a .txt file of a DODF. A single string with all the text of the file is extracted. """ try: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: self._text = self._file_name = file_name except IOError: self._text = file_name self._file_name = None