Source code for dodfminer.extract.pure.utils.box_extractor

"""Functions to extract boxes from text."""

import fitz
import re
from functools import cmp_to_key, reduce
import operator


[docs]def _extract_page_lines_content(page): """Extracts page lines. Args: page: fitz.fitz.Page object to have its bold content extracted. Returns: List[tuple(float, float, float, float, str)] A list containing lines content at the page, along with its bounding boxes. """ lis = [] for block in page.getTextPage().extractDICT()['blocks']: for line in block['lines']: for span in line['spans']: del span['color'] del span['flags'] lis.append((*span['bbox'], span['text'])) return lis
[docs]def get_doc_text_boxes(doc: fitz.Document): """Returns list of list of extracted text blocks. Args: doc: an opened fitz document. Returns: List[List[tuple(float, float, float, float, str, int, int)]] """ text_blocks = [sort_blocks(page.getTextBlocks()) for page in doc] return text_blocks
[docs]def sort_blocks(page_blocks): """Sort blocks by their vertical and horizontal position. Args: page_blocks: a list of blocks within a page. Returns: List[tuple(float, float, float, float, str, int, int)] """ return sorted(page_blocks, key=cmp_to_key(compare_blocks))
[docs]def compare_blocks(block1, block2): """Implements a comparison heuristic between blocks. Blocks that are in the uppermost and leftmost positions should be inserted before the other block in comparison. Args: block1: a block tuple to be compared. block2: a block tuple to be compared to. Returns: Int """ b1_x0, b1_y0, b1_x1, b1_y1, *_ = block1 b2_x0, b2_y0, b2_x1, b2_y1, *_ = block2 b1_y = max([b1_y0, b1_y1]) b2_y = max([b2_y0, b2_y1]) if (b1_x0 >= 49 and b1_x1 <= 405 and b2_x0 >= 55 and b2_x1 <= 405) or \ (b1_x0 >= 417 and b1_x1 <= 766 and b2_x0 >= 417 and b2_x1 <= 766) or \ (b1_x1-b1_x0 > 350) or \ (b2_x1-b2_x0 > 350) or \ (b1_y < 80) or \ (b2_y < 80): return b1_y-b2_y else: return b1_x0-b2_x0
[docs]def draw_doc_text_boxes(doc: fitz.Document, doc_boxes, save_path=None): """Draw extracted text blocks rectangles. In result, a pdf file with rectangles shapes added, representing the extracted blocks, is saved. Args: doc: an opened fitz document doc_boxes: the list of blocks on a document, separated by pages save_path: a custom path for saving the result pdf Returns: None """ color = fitz.utils.getColor("greenyellow") for page in doc: for page_box in doc_boxes[page.number]: x0, y0, x1, y1, *_ = page_box rect = fitz.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1) page.drawRect(rect, color, width=2) doc_path = '/'.join('/')[0:-1]) doc_name ='/')[-1] if save_path != None:"{save_path}/BOXES_{doc_name}") else:"{doc_path}{'/' if len(doc_path) else ''}BOXES_{doc_name}")
[docs]def get_doc_text_lines(doc: fitz.Document): """Returns list of list of extracted text lines. Args: doc: an opened fitz document. Returns: List[List[tuple(float, float, float, str)]] """ return [_extract_page_lines_content(page) for page in doc]
[docs]def _get_doc_img(doc: fitz.Document): """Returns list of list of image items. Note: This function is not intented to be used by final users, but internally. Image `items` are described at: Args: doc: an opened fitz document Returns: List[List[tuple(int, int, int, int, str, str, str, str, int)]] (xref, smask, width, height, bpc, colorspace, alt. colorspace, filter, invoker) """ return [page.getImageList(full=True) for page in doc]
[docs]def get_doc_img_boxes(doc: fitz.Document): """Returns list of list of bouding boxes of extracted images. Args: doc: an opened fitz document Returns: List[List[Rect(float, float, float, float)]]. Each Rect represents an image bounding box. """ img_ll = _get_doc_img(doc) for idx, img_lis in enumerate(img_ll): page = doc[idx] img_list_altered = [] for img in img_lis: img = img[:9] + (0,) img_list_altered.append(img) img_ll[idx] = [page.getImageBbox(img) for img in img_list_altered] return img_ll